Category Archives: strategic foresight

How to Prepare Your Organization for the Era of Artificial Intelligence: AI Literacy + Strategic Foresight

AI literacy is lacking among business leaders and the general public. Strategic foresight training and...

The Cone of Plausibility Can Assist Your Strategic Planning Process

In honor of World Future Day, which is celebrated annually worldwide on March 1st, we...


Identifying Weak Signals is Vital for Strategic Foresight

In honor of World Future Day, which is celebrated annually worldwide on March 1st, we...


How Complexity Science can Support Strategic Foresight

In honor of World Future Day, which is celebrated annually worldwide on March 1st, we...


How Can a Futurist Keynote Speaker Help Your Organization?

People in most organizations are under pressure to think about the immediate needs of the...

Introducing Prescient: a Strategic Foresight Consulting Firm

Introducing Prescient - a strategic foresight consulting firm offering keynotes, strategy retreats, and executive education...

Strategic Foresight=Good Projections + Action

If you successfully identify the future consequences of your actions, and no one acts on...

Overconfident Narratives Skew Predictive Judgment

In his new book, Thinking Fast and Slow, Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman...

4 Best Practices for Communicating Probabilities

Persuading decision-makers of future probabilities works better when you embed numbers in narratives. Here are...