Activate your future


How business gets done is changing in dramatic and disruptive ways. Shifts in technology, the natural environment, geopolitics and culture are converging, making planning for the future a complex task.


Executives agree: In response to a 2017 Deloitte survey of 10,000 executives in 140 countries, 88% reported that building the organization is their greatest challenge. But only 11% felt they had the skills to do it.


Strategic Foresight can help develop those skills. According to a recent longitudinal study of 83 multinational firms across sectors, those that systematically incorporated foresight into their planning were 33% more profitable and had a 200% higher market capitalization growth than the sample average.


Join these forward looking companies and activate your future. We invite you to:



source: Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Report, “Rewriting the Rules of the Digital Age,” 2017. source: René Rohrbeck and Menes Etingue Kum, “Corporate Foresight and its Impact on Firm Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol 129, April 2018

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